Your ultimate guide to Pawpaw: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
What Sex Are Pawpaw Flowers: How To Tell Sex In Pawpaw Trees
One reason this delicacy is not commercially grown has to do with pawpaw flower sex. It is difficult to know what sex pawpaw flowers are. Are pawpaws monoecious or dioecious? Is there a way to tell the sex in pawpaw trees? This article will help address the issue.
By Amy Grant
Tips For Propagating Pawpaws – How To Propagate A Pawpaw Tree
The pawpaw is a strange fruit that deserves more attention. Reportedly Thomas Jefferson's favorite fruit, this North American native sprouts up in groves in the wild. But what if you want one in your own backyard? Click here to learn more about pawpaw tree reproduction.
By Liz Baessler
Do Deer Eat Pawpaws – Tips For Keeping Deer Out Of Pawpaw Trees
I have been considering planting and growing pawpaw trees, but I have a bit of trepidation about the whole deer issue. Are pawpaws deer resistant? Is there a way of keeping deer out of pawpaw trees? Let's find out more together in this article.
By Shelley Pierce
Pawpaw Cutting Propagation: Tips On Rooting Pawpaw Cuttings
The pawpaw is a tasty and unusual fruit. But the fruits are rarely sold in stores, so if there are no wild trees in your area, the only way to get the fruit is usually to grow it yourself. A common question is if you can propagate the tree from cuttings. Find out here.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Pawpaw Trimming Tips: How To Prune A Pawpaw Tree
Pawpaw tree pruning is sometimes helpful or necessary. If you are thinking of planting these fruit trees, you'll need to learn how to prune a pawpaw. Use the information found in this article for some helpful pawpaw trimming tips.
By Teo Spengler
How To Treat A Sick Pawpaw: Information About Diseases Of Pawpaw Trees
Pawpaw trees are remarkably disease resistant. However, pawpaw diseases may occasionally occur. Click this article to learn more about a couple of common pawpaw illnesses and tips on treating a diseased pawpaw.
By Mary H. Dyer
Pawpaw Transplant Tips – How To Transplant A Pawpaw Trees
Pawpaws are a fascinating and largely unknown fruit. Native to North America and reportedly Thomas Jefferson?s favorite fruit, they taste a little bit like a sour banana full of big seeds. But can you transplant a pawpaw? Learn more about how to transplant them here.
By Liz Baessler
Insects That Eat Pawpaws – Recognizing Pawpaw Pest Symptoms
While the pawpaw has few pests in general, it is susceptible to some common pawpaw pests. Treating pawpaw tree pests is reliant on identifying pawpaw pest symptoms. Click here to find out about insects that eat pawpaws and pawpaw pest treatment.
By Amy Grant
Pawpaw Not Producing Fruit: How To Make A Pawpaw Tree Fruit
Fans of the pawpaw fruit describe it as a tropical flavored custard, in other words delicious. If your yard's pawpaw isn't bearing fruit, take steps to change that and enjoy these tasty native treats. This article will help get you started.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
When To Pick Pawpaws: How To Tell If Pawpaw Fruit Is Ripe
If you?re new to picking pawpaws, you?re probably wondering how to tell if the pawpaw fruit is ripe. Pawpaw picking season varies depending upon the cultivar and the location they are being grown. Click this article to learn more and find out when to pick pawpaws.
By Amy Grant
Container Grown Pawpaw Trees – Tips For Growing Pawpaw Tree In A Pot
For those of you who live in the eastern United States, pawpaw fruit may be very commonplace, albeit generally unavailable except perhaps at a farmers market. All the more reason to try growing pawpaw trees in containers. Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Pawpaw Pie - Dessert Ideas To Use Pawpaw Fruit This Thanksgiving
The bold flavors in pawpaws make excellent desserts. If you are new to this fruit, learn how to prepare it for a variety of delicious recipes.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Pawpaw Trimming Guide: Learn How To Prune A Pawpaw Tree
Pawpaw trees are the most common fruit trees native to North America. Pawpaw trees grow best in a shady location with excellent drainage. Pawpaw pruning may sometimes be useful but it is not an essential. To find out if and when you should cut back pawpaw trees, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Can You Root Pawpaw Suckers – Tips For Propagating Pawpaw Suckers
Can you root pawpaw suckers? It is difficult to propagate the tree in this manner. According to people experienced with this tree, pawpaw sucker propagation tends to have a low success rate. But it can be done. Learn how in this article.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Suckering Pawpaw Trees: What To Do With Pawpaw Suckers
With pawpaw seed propagation, a slow and demanding activity, many gardeners may wonder, "Should I keep my pawpaw tree suckers for propagation instead?". This article will answer that question, as well as other questions about pawpaw sucker maintenance.
By Darcy Larum
About Pawpaw Trees: Tips For Planting A Pawpaw Tree
The aromatic pawpaw fruit has a tropical flavor. To enjoy these tasty fruits from your own garden, use the information in this article to see if pawpaw tree care is possible in your region.
By Jackie Carroll
Using Pawpaw As Cancer Treatment: How Does Pawpaw Fight Cancer
Natural remedies have been around for as long as humans. For most of history, in fact, they were the only remedies. Every day new ones are being discovered or rediscovered. Click here to learn more about pawpaw herbal medicine, specifically using pawpaws for cancer treatment.
By Liz Baessler