Ponytail Palm
Your ultimate guide to Ponytail Palm: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Propagating Ponytail Palm Seeds – How To Grow Ponytail Palm From Seeds
Propagating ponytail palm seeds starts with harvesting fresh seed from the ivory white to creamy green flowers. We'll tell you all you need to know on how to grow ponytail palm from seeds and increase your stock of this wonderful unique plant.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Flowering Ponytail Plants: Does Ponytail Palm Flower
Does ponytail palm flower? If you are hoping for flowers from this plant, you may have to wait up to 30 years to see it. This article contains additional information about the flowering of ponytail palm trees. Click here for more info.
By Teo Spengler
Ponytail Palm Propagation: Propagating Ponytail Palm Pups
Ponytail palm plants develop pups, or side shoots, as they mature. Propagating ponytail palm pups will give you new little palms. Learn more about removing and planting these pups in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Bonsai Ponytail Palms: How To Prune Ponytail Palm Bonsai
The ponytail palm bonsai tree is great a great low-maintenance option for the bonsai enthusiast or even for those that are new to bonsai plants. Get more information in this article.
By Susan Patterson
Outdoor Ponytail Palm Care: Can You Plant Ponytail Palms Outside
Growing ponytail palm outdoors is possible in warmer climates and caring for ponytail palm outdoors is not difficult. For more information about how to grow a ponytail palm outside, this article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Pruning Ponytail Palms: Can You Trim Ponytail Palm Plants
Ponytail palms are truly interesting houseplants with their spiky poof of slender leaves and elephant skin trunk. They are not true palms, however, so can you trim ponytail palms? Read here for the answer on how to prune a ponytail palm.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Can I Replant My Ponytail Palm – How And When To Move Ponytail Palms
When people ask how to transplant a ponytail palm tree, the most important factor is the size of the tree. Transplanting large ponytail palms is a different matter than moving a small one. Read this article to learn about ponytail palm replanting.
By Teo Spengler