Your ultimate guide to Scgen: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Blue Succulent Varieties: Growing Succulents That Are Blue
Succulent plants are among the most diverse and varied groups of flora. They come in a tremendous number of hues and colors, one of which is blue. Blue succulents can create a perfect foil for other varieties in your garden or home. Click here for more information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Why Do Succulents Rot: How To Stop Succulent Rot In Your Plants
Succulents are among some of the easiest plants to grow and often recommended for novice gardeners because of their low maintenance care. However, a major issue for these plants is that of root rot. To learn more about managing succulent root rot, click here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Are Cactus Plants Edible – Learn About Types Of Edible Cacti
There are many wild foods available if one knows what to look for. However, is cactus edible? There are, in fact, many types of edible cacti available. Click the following article for more information on edible cacti.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Succulent Fairy Garden Ideas – Tips On Planting Succulents In A Fairy Garden
What is a fairy garden? It’s a way adults can release their inner child, gardeners can express themselves creatively, and children can be introduced to plants. Succulent plants are a fun, easy, and low maintenance way to create a fairy garden. Click here to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Using Honey For Succulent Roots: Learn About Rooting Succulents With Honey
Succulents attract a diverse group of growers. Some tips and tricks have emerged that other gardeners may not be familiar with, like using honey as a succulent rooting aid. What results have they seen from using this unconventional trick? Find out here.
By Becca Badgett
Succulent Water Propagation – How To Grow Succulents In Water
For those having problems getting succulent cuttings to sprout roots in soil, there is another option. While not guaranteed to be successful, you can try rooting succulents in water. Water root propagation has reportedly worked well for some. Learn more about it here.
By Becca Badgett
Cacti And Cotton Root Rot – Treating Cotton Root Rot In Cactus Plants
Also known as Texas root rot or ozonium root rot, cotton root rot is a nasty fungal disease that can affect several highly susceptible members of the cactus family. Click on the following article to learn more about cotton root rot in cactus.
By Mary H. Dyer
Soilless Succulent Plants: Can Succulents Grow In Water
You may be surprised that someone would even ask “can succulents grow in water.” Not only has the question been asked, it seems some succulents can actually grow well in water. Learn about growing soilless succulent plants in the following article.
By Becca Badgett
Zen Succulent Arrangements: How To Make A Succulent Zen Garden
Making a Zen garden with succulents is another way home gardeners are growing these plants inside the home. A mini Zen garden with just a couple of plants leaves plenty of room for sand in which to doodle and create a basic design. Click here to learn more.
By Becca Badgett
Red Succulent Plants – Information About Succulents That Are Red
You may have red succulents and not be aware because they are still green. Or perhaps you bought red succulents and now they’ve reverted to green. Most red succulent varieties begin with a green color and turn red from some type of stress. Click here to learn more.
By Becca Badgett
Deadheading A Cactus – Should Cactus Blooms Be Deadheaded
Your cacti are established and settled into your beds and containers, flowering on a regular basis. Once you’re getting regular flowers, you may wonder what to do with spent blooms and ask should cactus blooms be deadheaded? Find the answer in the following article.
By Becca Badgett
Can You Grow Succulents From Seed: Tips For Planting Succulent Seeds
One option for adding to your collection is growing succulents from seed. While many wouldn’t be intimidated by starting other plants in this manner, we may be unsure of how to sow succulent seeds. Or we might even wonder if it’s possible. Find out in this article.
By Becca Badgett
Getting A Succulent To Flower: Why Won’t My Succulent Bloom
Getting a succulent to flower is an additional bonus from this already wonderful plant. Yet, learning how to make succulents bloom is somewhat different from getting blossoms on other plants. Click here to look at ways to encourage timely succulent flowering.
By Becca Badgett
How To Deal With Succulent And Cactus Pests Problems
One of the great things about growing succulent plants is the lack of pests they attract. While pests are fewer on these plants, they may still sometimes attack. Take a look into cactus and succulent pests and learn how to get rid of them in this article.
By Becca Badgett
Southern Succulent Garden – When To Plant Succulents In The Southeast U.S.
While our times of freezing and snow are limited, excessive rainfall and scorching temperatures affect growing succulents in the South. Learn the best way to grow warm climate succulents and when to plant them in the Southeast here.
By Becca Badgett
Southwest Succulent Garden: Planting Time For Desert Succulents
It is sometimes difficult to set a definite planting date with the fluctuating weather patterns we’ve experienced in recent years, especially with succulents. But a few guidelines apply and we should use when them when planting a Southwest succulent garden. Lean more here.
By Becca Badgett
Cold Climate Succulents – Learn About Growing Succulents In The Cold
Succulent plants adorn the landscape in many areas. They grow in warm spots where you’d expect to find them but those of us with cold winters have different issues and decisions to make about which to grow and when to plant in cold climates. Learn more here.
By Becca Badgett