Your ultimate guide to Snapdragon: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Snapdragon Variations: Growing Different Kinds Of Snapdragons
Snapdragons are beautiful and fascinating flowers. But which kind should you plant? Click to learn about snapdragon varieties.
By Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez
Propagating Snapdragons – Learn How To Propagate A Snapdragon Plant
Snapdragons are beautiful tender perennial plants that put up spikes of colorful flowers in all sorts of colors. But how do you grow more snapdragons? Click this article to learn more about snapdragon propagation methods and how to propagate a snapdragon plant.
By Liz Baessler
Are Snapdragons Edible – Information About Snapdragon Edibility And Uses
Edible flowers are not a new trend. You are probably aware of some of the more common edible flowers, but how about snapdragon edibility? It's one of the more common garden flowers, but can you eat snapdragons? Find out in this article.
By Amy Grant
Why Do Snapdragons Wilt: Learn What Causes Wilting Snapdragons
What can you do when your beautiful snapdragons start to hang their heads in despair? Start by reading this article, then get to work in the garden! Click here for information on why snapdragons plants wilt so you can begin fixing the problem.
By Kristi Waterworth
Fixing Issues With Snapdragons – How To Deal With Snapdragon Problems
Snapdragons are fanciful plants that delight and inspire wonder in people of all ages, but they can also suffer from a number of problems. As a snapdragon keeper, it's your duty to learn more about the problems your plants can suffer, so click here to begin your journey.
By Kristi Waterworth
Annual Vs. Perennial Snapdragon Plants: How Long Do Snapdragons Live
The most common question about snapdragons is: are snapdragons annual or perennial? The answer is that they can be both. You can learn more about how long snapdragons live by clicking this article for additional information.
By Darcy Larum
Seed Grown Snapdragons – How To Grow Snapdragons From Seed
Once established, snapdragons are remarkably self-sufficient, but planting snapdragon seeds can be tricky. Want to try your hand at seed-grown snapdragons? Click on the following article to learn the basics of snapdragon seed propagation.
By Mary H. Dyer
Do Snapdragons Cross Pollinate – Collecting Hybrid Snapdragon Seeds
New varieties of plant hybrids have been created by gardeners who simply wondered what the outcome would be if they cross pollinated this plant variety with that plant variety. While you can try it on whatever flowers you prefer, this article will discuss cross pollinating snapdragons.
By Darcy Larum
Growing Snapdragons In Pots – Tips For Snapdragon Container Care
Snapdragons are perennials, often grown as annuals, and produce a pretty and brightly-colored spike of flowers. While often used in beds, container grown snapdragons are another great garden, patio, and even indoor option. Learn more in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Planting Snapdragons In The Garden: How To Grow Snapdragons
Growing snapdragon in the flower bed provides cool season color to the garden. Learn how to grow snapdragon for early spring blooms using the information found in this article.
By Becca Badgett