Your ultimate guide to Spruce: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Blue Wonder Spruce Info: Tips For Growing Blue Wonder Spruce Trees
Blue Wonder spruce trees are great additions to formal gardens or as container plants. These small, conical-shaped evergreens are prized for their shape and for the beautiful, blue-gray color of their needles. Learn more about them in this article.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Growing New Spruce Trees – Learn How To Propagate A Spruce Tree
Spruce tree propagation refers to the different ways that spruce trees reproduce. How to propagate a spruce tree? The methods include growing spruce tree seeds and cuttings. If you are interested in learning about propagation methods for spruce trees, click here.
By Teo Spengler
White Spruce Info: Learn About White Spruce Tree Uses And Care
The white spruce is one of the most popular Christmas tree choices. It's very hardy and easy to grow. Click on the following article to learn more white spruce information, including tips on growing white spruce trees and white spruce tree uses.
By Liz Baessler
Cutting Back Dwarf Spruce: How To Prune Dwarf Spruce Trees
Dwarf spruce trees, despite their name, do not stay especially small. Whether you're looking to cut back a large dwarf spruce or just keep one nicely shaped, you need to do a little bit of dwarf spruce pruning. Learn more about how to prune dwarf spruce trees in this article.
By Liz Baessler
Engelmann Spruce Information – Where Do Engelmann Spruce Grow
Where do Engelmann spruce grow? If you live in a cold zone, these trees might just be your neighbors. Click for more Engelmann spruce info.
By Teo Spengler
Spruce Needle Rust Control – How To Treat Spruce Needle Rust
Are needles on the ends of spruce branches turning yellow, with the bottom branches most severely affected? It could be spruce needle rust symptoms. What is spruce needle rust, you ask? Click this article to learn more and discover how to treat spruce needle rust.
By Shelley Pierce
Norway Spruce Tree Info: Care Of Norway Spruce Trees
Norway spruce is a tough conifer that makes for an easy-care landscape tree. It is also planted extensively for forest restoration and windbreaks. Planting a Norway spruce is easy and this article will help with its care.
By Teo Spengler