Your ultimate guide to Tgen: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
8 Best Plants For Under Trees To Transform A Shady Landscape Under The Canopy
These plants for under trees will totally transform your shady landscape! Whether you want lush foliage, beautiful blooms, or easy-care ground cover, there’s a plant for every need.
By Susan Patterson
Trees That Grow In Water – Best Trees For Wet Soil
Certain trees growing in water or wet areas of your yard can help improve drainage, but be sure they’re the right ones.
By Teo Spengler
Successfully Planting Trees In Summer
Can you plant trees in the summer? The answer is yes for some species. Read on to learn about the best trees to plant in summer.
By Teo Spengler
Tree Planting Tips: How And When To Plant Trees
Knowing how and when to plant trees is crucial to their success. For the best time to plant and how to plant trees correctly in the landscape, click here.
By Nikki Tilley
Assessing Fire Damage To Trees: Tips On Repairing Burnt Trees
If your trees have been damaged in a fire, it's important to spring into action. Click to learn how to save burned trees.
By Teo Spengler
Trees Hit By Lightning: Repairing Lightning Damaged Trees
Trees are the things most commonly struck by lightning. So what do you do when it happens to your tree? Click here to learn more.
By Teo Spengler
Best Trees For Carbon Sequestration And Climate Change
Let’s keep planting trees. They are our best bet for capturing carbon and may help with our global warming issues.
By Teo Spengler
How Close Can You Plant A Tree To A Stump?
Looking to plant new trees near old stumps or where stumps have been removed? Click here to learn how.
By Teo Spengler
How To Get Rid Of Tree Sprouts In The Yard From Nearby Trees
Learn the simple way to keep pesky tree seedlings in your lawn from becoming saplings.
By Teo Spengler
Hardwood Information: Recognizing Hardwood Tree Characteristics
If you've ever bumped your head on a tree, you'll argue that all trees have hard wood. But hardwood is a term biologists use. If you want information about hardwood tree characteristics, as well as a hardwood vs. softwood discussion, click here.
By Teo Spengler
7 Common Tree Care Mistakes That Kill Trees
Are you accidentally killing your tree? It's easier than you think, if you're committing one of these common mistakes. Click here for more.
By Teo Spengler
What Is Frost Crack: What To Do For Cracking Tree Trunks
During periods of cold winter nights followed by warm sunny days, you may discover frost cracks in trees. Read this article for more information on tree bark cracking. Learn more here.
By Jackie Carroll
What Is Tree Wound Dressing: Is It Ok To Put Wound Dressing On Trees
When trees are wounded, through pruning or accidentally, some gardeners try to help by applying a tree wound dressing. But are there any real benefits of wound dressing on trees? Find out here.
By Jackie Carroll
How To Tell How Old A Tree Is
Ever wondered how to calculate the age of a tree? Click here to learn all about it.
By Teo Spengler
Can I Prune Conifers – Pruning Coniferous Trees
While pruning deciduous trees is almost an annual ritual, pruning coniferous trees is rarely required. For pruning information, click here.
By Teo Spengler
What Is A Columnar Tree: Popular Columnar Tree Varieties
What is a columnar tree? These trees are narrow and slender, perfect for small spaces. Click for more information on columnar tree types.
By Teo Spengler
Scale Leaf Evergreen Varieties: What Is A Scale Leaf Evergreen Tree
What is a scale leaf evergreen? If you’d like to get an overview of evergreens with scale leaves, click the following article.
By Teo Spengler